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Gift box with Pumo diffuser 10cm and Carella fragrance 100ml
- NEGRAMARO vinous note, full-bodied and slightly fruity, tannic background of branches.
- MALVASIA vinous, fruity, full and alcoholic note, grape base and green notes.
- VIN BRULE 'vinous, fruity and spicy note, base of woods and spices.
- ARANCIA VERDE notes of oranges: bergamot, tarot, vanilla, dogwood, orange leaves.
- MELOGRANO DOLCE fruity notes of red fruits, sour, sugary and vanilla on the bottom.
- MELOGRANO ACERBO fruity notes of red fruits, sour, naringinic on the bottom.
- ARANCIO E UVA ROSSA notes of red orange, juice and peel, cardinal grapes, red fruits, amber base.
- VANIGLIA E CANDITI predominant vanilla note with hints of candied orange peel, panna cotta, cinnamon.